Virtualizing Proxmox Backup Server

Proxmox Backup Server helps me create backups for virual machines and lxc containers in Proxmox and leverages deduplication to keep my backups stored efficiently.

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Table of Contents

💽 Install Proxmox Backup Center

After downloading Proxmox Backup Server (PBS), I uploaded the ISO to Proxmoxand created a Virtual Machine with the following deviations from default:

Disk size (GiB): 32

2 Cores
Type host

4096 MiB 

PBS is designed to be a bare-metal solution and doesn't support a Datastore being saved to a network location by default. With some careful management, it's possible to use an SMB share on a virtualized TrueNAS instance as our network storage for the virtualized PBS instance (on the same hardware).

This is a homelab solution; a certain level of jank and held-together-by-glue ethos should be expeceted.

📦 Setup a TrueNAS Share

In the TrueNAS UI, Under the Datasets tab, click on Add Dataset. Here, I called mine pbs and I put it as a child of the backups dataset.

While still in the Datasets tab of TrueNAS, I made sure to adjust the Dataset Space Management to 500GiB so that backup space would be limited. I'm not sure if this will be enough space for my modest systems, so I will need to take a look at this again after I've started rolling through automatic backups.

In an effort to maintain some kind of best-practice, I created a user specifically for PBS by going to the Credentials then Users tab and adding a new user called pbs. I also gave the user a home directory in the backups/pbs dataset.

On the Shares tab, I created a new SMB Share by choosing the path to the Dataset created above (/mnt/DataStore/backups/pbs) and giving it a name; I chose pbs-backups.

If prompted, edit the ACLs. If not, click the shield next to the shield that says Edit Filesystem ACL. Add a mask with Read, Write, and Execute permissions and a User for the pbs user (created above) with the same permissions by selecting + Add Item. Check the Apply permissions recusively options and click Save Access Control List.

The SMB share will now be available at // using the credentials created above (pbs/password).

🔙 Add the Share to PBS

With the share location determined, we need to setup the SMB share in a specific way so that the PBS user backup is the owner of the directory it is using to backup file to.

First, I ran apt install cifs-utils to ensure that the package is installed. I then made a directory for the mount (mkdir /mnt/truenas) and made a file to store the SMB credentials for the user above nano /etc/samba/.smbcreds:

# SMB Credentials for TrueNAS User

I reduced the permissions on the credentials file (chmod 400 /etc/samba/.smbcreds) and finally I could manually mount the drive to test to make sure everything was working as intended:

# Mount the drive
mount -t cifs -o rw,vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/samba/.smbcreds,uid=34,gid=34 // /mnt/truenas

# uid=34,gid=34 ensure that the backup user in PBS can access the share

After mounting the drive, if there is no output then it was successful. Confirm the mount with touch /mnt/truenas/test.txt, ls -la /mnt/truenas/test.txt to confirm its owned by the backup user, and rm /mnt/truenas/test.txt to ensure the directory is empty.

With the mount confirmed working, I added the share to fstab to ensure that it becomes available after the system reboots:

echo "// /mnt/truenas cifs vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/samba/.smbcreds,uid=34,gid=34,defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

The last preparation I did was to create a directory for the PBS datastore with mkdir /mnt/truenas/pbs-backups. It should look like this:

root@pbs:~# ls -l /mnt/truenas/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 backup backup 0 Feb  4 17:35 pbs # Home directory for our TrueNAS user
drwxr-xr-x 2 backup backup 0 Feb  6 00:10 pbs-backups # Where PBS will store backups

🏪 Create a Datastore in PBS

In the PBS UI, Under the Datastore tab, click on Add Datastore. Here, give it a name (truenas-pbs) and point it to the directory made after mounting the share (/mnt/truenas/pbs-backups).

For my Prune Options, I chose the following:

Keep Last: 4
Keep Weekly: 2
Keep Monthly: 3
Keep Yearly: 1 

This will be something I continue to monitor as I continue to use the tool.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Connect Proxmox to PBS

Before telling Proxmox to use the new PBS server, I needed to make and give permissions to a user so that I wasn't giving out root access.

In PBS, open the Configuration tab and choose Access Control. It should open to the User Management page, choose Add*, and give it a name (I chose backups).

Then go to the Permissions tab, then Add > User Permission. I gave my user root (/) permissions and the role of DatastoreAdmin.

Now in the Proxmox UI, go to Datacenter > Storage and add a new Proxmox Backup Storage device.

id: truenas-pbs
server: ip.address
username: backups@pbs
password: password
Datastore: truenas-pbs # Name of the Datastore in PBS

For the Fingerprint, go back to the PBS UI and choose the Certificates tab. Click on the proxy.pem entry and click View Certificate. The fingerprint is at the top of the certifcate popup.

At the Datacenter level back in the Proxmox UI, I went to the Backup tab to schedule backup jobs. Be careful to choose the pbs storage option and select the desired schedule.

I created separate backup jobs for each VM that I wanted to backup.

DO NOT use PBS to to backup its own virtual machine!

I ignored the Retention tab when creating the backup jobs. I find it more intuitive to use PBS to manage the backups with Proxmox using PBS as its backup location.

I also created a verify job by going to the backup Datastore in PBS, going to the Verify Jobs tab and adding a new job. I used the default settings, daily verifications and re-verifying after 30 days.

At this point, we can create individual backups for the VMs from inside Proxmox. In the Proxmox UI, we can click on the VM/LXC we want to backup, and choose the Backup tab to backup individual items. I did this to both confirm that the backup workflow was working as intended, and to create a first backup for the job created above to take over at 3am.



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