Deploying Docker with Ansible

I wrote some Ansible roles to deploy Docker containers to virtual machines in my home network.

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Table of Contents

🐋 Why Automate Docker?

Installing Docker is something I do to most of the VMs that I spin up, so it made sense to automate this with Ansible as well. While looking into it I found Ansible Galaxy, a public repository for community-made roles.

I know that writing my own Role for this would be a great learning exercise, but I found Jeff Geerling's Ansible Role for Docker on Ansible Galaxy and decided there was probably no better role to trust. Jeff seems to be the go to Ansible guy and the Docker Role had been updated 2 hours before I discovered it, so it seems like he stays on top of this highly recommended Role. The learning exercise is implementing a community role into my workflow, and any energy spent on re-inventing the wheel can be better spent fixing a more bespoke problem.

🌌 Installing geerlingguy.docker

I started by installing the Role with ansible-galaxy on my control node with ansible-galaxy role install geerlingguy.docker.

Once the Role had been installed, I created a playbook called docker-geerling.yml to utilize it:

- name: Install Docker using Jeff Geerling's Ansible Role
  hosts: "target"
  become: yes
    - ~/.ansible/vault/ansible_become_pass.yml
    - role: geerlingguy.docker
      become: yes

When copying this playbook, it's important to remember to change the hosts declaration or file before running it.

Now all I had to do was run the docker-geerling.yml playbook and Docker would be installed on the target servers.

Once I confirmed that the playbook ran as expected, I added the geerlingguy.docker role to my existing initialization playbook instead of keeping a dedicated playbook just for this task.

🔂 Automating Docker Compose

Now that I could install Docker onto remote servers with Ansible, I wanted to use Ansible to deploy containers. I already use compose.yml files with Docker, so the deployment is written declaratively and it seemed like a logical next-step and worthy of the aforementioned bespoke problem.

Documentation really came in handy, because in order to successfully run docker compose up -d on the remote server there are a number of prerequisites and things to consider. Some deployments require .env files and others require additional files. I've standardized this into compose.yml and .env in the root directory, and any additional files will be inside a /data directory.

I had documention already written which outlined what needs to be done to deploy a new service, so I used this as the foundation for my role. I followed a relatively simple check does required thing exist? then acting accordingly. The compose_up role has quite a few more checks than compose_down requires, as in addition to the file checking described above, it also has some built-in checks to work with my Traefik deployment, but they both following the simple check-act gameplan.

✍️ In Practice

After creating a compose.yml file for a new service, all I need to do is create a simple playbook:

- name: Deploy the SERVICE stack of Docker containers
  hosts: "services"
  become: yes
  - ~/.ansible/vault/ansible_become_pass.yml
  - role: docker/compose_up
      stack_name: "service"

With the playbook created, simply running ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/inventory/hosts ./ansible/playbooks/services/up_jellyfin.yml --ask-vault-pass from the root on my homelab repository will deploy the compose.yml file to the declared remote host.

The roles can, of course, also be added to other playbooks.

🫣 What's Next?

I'm not sure if this is the right way to deploy docker to remote servers, but it works. I will continue to use this as my solution and continue to learn more.

The next role that I want to write is one to cleanup old images on the remote hosts. Currently, I have the version tags as variables and keep them in my .env file. It would be nice to be able to roll my updates, then run a playbook that cleans up all of the old images.

Since all of my containers are using mapped directories, it might also be helpful to write a role that backs up the home directory. In the past I've been saved when needing to restore a container deployment by having access to the home directory. Even though I have bolstered my backup strategy, I think that automating a backup of these files would be an extra option if restoration ever became required.

Not an Ansible role to interact with my Docker deployments necessarily, but I would like to explore a GitOps workflow that allowed me to make changes or adjustments to my Docker deployments which then would run the playbooks on commit. I think I can do this self-hosted with GitLab...

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